I have spent most of my career in the software industry. Almost 20 years as a manager at SAP and in recent years at IBM.
Now it’s time for the next chapter.
And it is all about Artificial intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML).
AI and in particular machine learning are at the heart of a technological and social revolution that will have a major impact for all of us.
ML explores how machines can learn complex relationships and cognitive abilities directly from data. These learning algorithms form the basis for practically all modern applications of artificial intelligence. The ever-faster development of machine intelligence will most likely change the economic, social and political conditions more fundamentally than almost anything before.
An interesting fact is, that the distinction between academic research and industrial laboratories is increasingly disappearing in this area. A large part of ML basic research in the USA is already carried out in industrial companies like Google, Amazon or Facebook . They offer researchers very attractive packages, so that many top researchers are migrating from Europe. The outflow of top ML talent to large technology companies has a negative impact not only on research but also on the training of future ML talent and this needs to be addressed.
In addition to cutting-edge research, it is just as important to apply the research to real world problems. . This requires new ways of collaboration, innovative ideas, and a lively exchange between science, business and society. Appliedai.de is a great initiative leading the way on this.
And this is a key challenge I will focus on.
Since the beginning of the year, I am supporting the University of Tübingen to explore how this exchange can be intensified. And what structures we need to promote even more ML applications – as startups or in industry or public sector projects. There are so many opportunities …
Tübingen is one of the hotspots for AI / ML in Germany . Unfortunately, this is not (yet) known to many people (and this has to change, too). The University of Tübingen and the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems have just been appointed by the German government as one of four competence centres for ML in Germany. There is the Cyber Valley Initiative and with Bernhard Schölkopf and Matthias Bethge there are top ML researchers from Tübingen promoting the European ELLIS initiative in Germany (ellis-open-letter.eu/letter.pdf). Lots of things happening, many opportunities for collaboration and creative thinking how to make use of these new technologies.
Starting this month I am also the managing director for ADI Innovation AG. Our focus here is to support entrepreneurs , investors, managers and public sector organization to become more innovative through digitalization and the use of artificial intelligence .
So many interesting opportunities to use artificial intelligence . Also many critical question which have to be discuss and addressed . We are still at the very beginning . I am very happy to be involved .
If you are interested in a discussion, have an idea how to use AI or a project you would like to discuss please get in touch.