In November 2018 the German Government released the “Nationale KI Strategie“, the German AI strategy. I was part of the development back then.
A good year later it was time for a first review. The Government has published a report on first results (link here – German only) and they have invited experts again to provide feedback.
Last Friday I participated in a workshop at the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy in Berlin to review the German AI strategy and especially the activities to apply AI in our economy.
Overall the participants saw good progress good progress and also areas where improvements and additional priorities make sense. A long list of topics was discussed. From the support for startups , better use of Open Source Models , the need for even more training especially in the SMBs to the regulation challenges and legal questions regarding the development and use of AI solutions. Just to name a few.
It is good to see that the German Government is looking for feedback from practitioners on this important topic.