Interesting reads on technology, innovation and artificial intelligence

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The Clash of the Data Titans (Project Syndicate)
Almost any economic activity today depends on data. There is a need for a transatlantic arrangement. American and European policymakers should analyse the tradeoffs between privacy, security, and innovation, and adjust regulations accordingly. Christopher Smart of Chatham House worries that the US and Europe are parting ways on this century’s most important economic-policy issue.

8 Lessons from 20 Years of Hype Cycles (Pulse)
Gartner Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies is practically an institution in high tech. First published in 1995, the Hype Cycle proposed a standard adoption model for new technologies. Michael Mullany has  gone back and done a retrospective of Gartner Hype Cycles of the past 16 years and found that we are simply not very good at predicting the future. He has seven more lessons from the deep dive into the data. Very interesting read for everyone interested in technology

Eliminating the Human (TechnologyReview)
A very thought provoking article by David Byrne. Great read for everyone. He argues that much of the recent tech development and innovation over the last decade or so has an unspoken overarching agenda. It has been about creating the possibility of a world with less human interaction. But removing humans from the equation, and we are less complete as people and as a society.

Can a Crowdsourced AI Medical Diagnosis App Outperform Your Doctor? (ScentificAmerican)
How AI can help to improve the accuracy of individual physicians by augmenting physician capacity